NO FOOD after 10 PM the evening before (unless a very young kitten or puppy)
NO FOOD the morning of surgery
Access to water is OK
Bring cat(s) in a carrier - one carrier per cat- with towel, pee pad or blanket inside. Your cat will recover in this space, so make sure there is ample space!
Feral or community cats MUST BE IN A HUMANE TRAP or TRANSFER CAGE
When you arrive for the scheduled drop off time (~8 AM - 9 AM, unless otherwise arranged)
Fill out the surgical form and sign the consent form
You may pre-fill and print surgical consent form found here: ​
Check in with technician. We will admit the patient in the carrier/trap.
After the patient has recovered from surgery, you will get a call letting you know when he/she can go home
Please allow ample time - depending on our schedule we may have you pick up your patient in the evening
Please do not arrive unless you are called
Late pick-ups after 6pm result in a late fee of $25 (unless otherwise arranged)
Closely monitor your pet for the first 24 hours following surgery. Lethargy, vomiting or fresh blood at incision site after 24 hours is NOT normal.
For non-urgent post-surgery questions call 724-572-7174- leave a voicemail or text or email
Please note that Spay It Forward is operated by volunteers on non-surgery days. We recommend following up with your veterinarian if an issue arises.
If your pet is having a medical emergency, go to an emergency vet!
Incision Site:
Female cats/dogs: Abdominal incision
Male Cats: 2 scrotal incisions, which are left open
Male Dogs: 1 pre-scrotal incision
Look at the incision site twice daily. If the incision site has redness, swelling, yellow/green/bloody discharge, HEAT or is open, call 724-572-7174 for further instructions.
Please leave your cat in the carrier or trap until the effects of anesthesia have completely worn off. This is usually 2-3 hours after pick-up.
It is important to KEEP THE CATS WARM when transporting them home and until they are fully awake and alert.
You may offer your cat about 1/4 to 1/2 of their normal diet the evening of their surgery as long as they are awake and alert.
Non-feral male cats should be kept quiet and confined for 36 hours.
Non-feral female cats should be kept quiet and confined for at least 10 days. This means restricting running, jumping, and playing. A dog crate or small room should be used.
DO NOT let your pet lick or chew their incision. An e-collar (cone) is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to prevent chewing and licking.
It is normal to notice a slight puckering at the incision along with dried surgical glue (usually looks like a white crusting).
All patients receive a small green tattoo near their incision for future identification that they have been altered.
Sutures do not need to be removed and will dissolve over several weeks
Male cats may have some spotting for the first 24 hours. They will not bleed to death from their incision. Remain calm if you see a large amount of blood and call our staff for further instructions.
ALL patients are given a pain injection during surgery which lasts for 24 hours post-op. Generally, your cat does not need more than pain medication than has already been given. If you feel that your cat is in pain, please consult with your regular veterinarian to determine if they need more pain medication.
Eating: Feed a small meal this evening.
You may offer your cat about 1/4 to 1/2 of their normal diet the evening of their surgery as long as they are awake and alert.
Your pet’s normal appetite may not return for 24 hours following surgery.
DON’T change your pet’s diet following surgery or feed them any people food as this can disrupt their digestion and complicate recovery.
Kittens and puppies under 4 months should be fed shortly after they wake up if they can hold their heads up.
Activity: Keep your pet calm and quiet for the first 24 hours following surgery.
Keep an e-collar (cone) on your pet for 10 days. E-Collar must be kept on for 24 hours per day.
Closely monitor your pet with other pets and children for the first 24 hours after.
No bathing/swimming, running, jumping, or rough play for 10 days.
Dogs must have short leash walks only for bathroom breaks for 10 days.
Owned cats should remain inside only for 10 days.
Feral/Community Cats must be kept in a climate-controlled area out of the weather for 24 hours and then returned to their colony
For non-urgent post-surgery questions call 724-572-7174- leave a voicemail
or email
Please note that Spay It Forward is operated by volunteers on non-surgery days.
We recommend following up with your veterinarian if an issue arises.